
Terms & Conditions

Last updated: 08 nov 2021
In these terms and conditions, News Pty Limited will be referred to as News.
These Terms and Conditions apply to the following types of subscriptions: The Australian 12 Month Plan Digital Subscription, The Australian 12 Month Plan Digital Subscription and Newspaper Home Delivery, The Australian Digital Subscription and Newspaper Home Delivery, The Australian Digital Subscription and The Australian Newspaper Home Delivery.
Each of these is a Subscription under these Terms and Conditions
If you have selected a digital and print bundle your terms and conditions will consist of both Digital Membership and Newspaper Delivery Subscription Terms and Conditions. If you have selected only a Digital only or Print only product then only the Terms and Conditions relevant to that product will apply. Offers are not available to any person who has previously breached any of our subscription terms and conditions.
These terms and conditions are deemed to include by referencing the Registered Access Terms and Conditions. Defined terms there will be used in these terms also. You must have valid and current Registered Access to have a valid subscription.
News or its relevant related companies may change any applicable terms and conditions from time to time. If this happens, amendments will be posted on the affected News Sites or other News Digital Media and will also be accessible through your login to My Account. If you object to changes to any terms or conditions you may cancel your subscription up to 28 days after changes come into effect without accepting the new terms and conditions. If you do not cancel or you use or access any News sites or News Digital Media (other than to review the new terms and conditions) using your Subscription within that period you will be deemed to have accepted the new terms. You may contact info@educationtoday.com.bd, who will consider your position acting reasonably if you have reasonable grounds for not having cancelled within the 28-day time limit and still wish to cancel.
Digital Membership Terms and Conditions
Digital Membership provides you access via a secure login to view unlimited content on the following News Sites ( Included Media):